
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 or CDM are the main regulations that define the Health, Safety and Welfare requirements for construction sites within the UK.
The CDM Regulations also define the roles and responsibilities of duty holders.
The three main CDM roles are CDM client, designer and contractor.
For projects involving more than one contractor, the additional roles of principal designer (PD) and principal contractor (PC) are required to plan, manage, monitor and coordinate the work.
The principle aim of the CDM Regulations are to help improve health, safety and welfare within the construction industry and the regulations deal with the full cycle of the project from the initial design through detailed design and then the construction phase.
The CDM Regulations also govern the subsequent maintenance, refurbishment and demolition of structures.

The CDM 2015 regulations define ‘Construction Work’:
Conversion fitting out.
Or other maintenance (including cleaning which involves the use of water or an abrasive at high pressure, or the use of corrosive or toxic substances).
Dismantling of a structure.
Installation, commissioning, maintenance, repair or removal of mechanical, electrical, gas, compressed air, hydraulic, telecommunications, computer or similar services which are normally fixed within or to a structure.
Asbestos Survey – Refurbishment & Demolition (R&D) full intrusive survey.

The CDM 2015 Regulations definition of non ‘Construction Work’:
Site Surveys (assumed to be topographical / condition).
Asbestos Survey – Non-intrusive only.
Pre-construction archaeological investigations.
General domestic cleaning.
Exploration for, extraction of, mineral resources, or preparatory activities carried out at a place where exploration or extraction is carried out.
General maintenance of fixed plant which mainly involves mechanical adjustments, Replacing parts or lubrication is unlikely to be construction work (please refer to the HSE website for further guidance).

CDM support for your construction projects. Actionable CDM guidance produced by our CDM consultants, so you can focus on creating and building, safely. We provide the documents, training and tools you need for CDM 2015. All our CDM Consultants are NEBOSH Certified.